Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Critical Need For Open Source?

After recently posting a blog about the government launched, CONNECT, Matt Asay, an experienced open source advocate, comments as well on this new step for the government to not only promote open source but also to create open source health systems. Matt Asay, however, sees the flaws that can be attributed to allowing only the government to develop the open source health systems. Mr. Asay sees the independent open source communities as a better means to achieving a robust, more secure health system. Nevertheless, Mr. Asay applauds the direction that the US is moving in beginning to understand the fundamental argument of why open source works best and how it is truly a critical need for our healthcare system. Mr. Asay argues his point in his article, "The critical need for open-source health care," posted on April 16, 2009 on CNET.


  1. Katie,
    It is awesome that you have found such an important focus and gone after it so enthusiastically. Your passion for this topic is evident in the quality of your writing and the research you put into your posts. Keep it up.
